IV Drips & IM Booster Shot FAQs

  • Intravenous and intramuscular administration of life sustaining vitamins, minerals, and amino acids allows the body to maintain higher cellular absorption. Overall, the bioavailability, or direct activity of these key nutrients, is substantially higher aiding with replenishment, hydration, energy, and better performance and recovery, optimizing our health and wellness.

  • Yes, vitamin IV/IM therapy is very safe. Our drips and booster shots have been approved and reviewed by licensed medical providers. They also are administered by a licensed medical professional and overseen by an MD. We use high quality vitamins, minerals and amino acids sourced from 503B FDA outsourcing pharmacies. Also, IV/IM therapy has been utilized for over 50 years, IV therapy being developed by Dr. John Myers who created the Myer’s cocktail.

  • During the process of catheter placement, we use small needles and a very small localized numbing agent so you will feel almost nothing. Nonetheless, everyone has a different pain threshold. Some may find needle insertion painless and others feel slight discomfort. The majority of people find the IV infusion itself very calming and relaxing. Some guests might feel some warmth as certain nutrients enter the bloodstream such as B vitamins or magnesium.

  • Anyone under the age of 18 cannot receive an IV infusion. 

  • You may experience spectacular effects after the first IV/IM booster shot. People who receive regular IV/IM therapy will feel less dramatic effects as their body starts to obtain optimal hydration and nutritional balance.

    We do not administer an IM or IV therapy of the same kind in one week. Some may prefer to receive therapy once weekly, monthly, or as needed.

  • Throughout our intake process, we are certain to screen for any condition or ailment that would prohibit IV administration.

    We do not administer IV/IM therapy to those who are pregnant or breast-feeding, as while effects are likely safe, this is not well-studied in this population.

  • To ensure best results, drink plenty of water and have a little food in your stomach before arriving.

  • A cancellation must be made a full 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Cancellations with less than a 24-hour notice or missed appointments will be charged for the amount of the scheduled appointment. There is no charge for a rescheduled appointment.

    If you schedule an appointment within 24 hours and need to cancel, call us prior to your scheduled appointment to reschedule for another time within the same week.  If you don’t reschedule, you will be charged for the service scheduled.

Neurotoxin & Dermal Filler Instructions & Considerations

  • Do NOT consume alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours prior to treatment (alcohol may thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising).

    Avoid anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications, if possible for a period of 2 weeks before treatment. Medications and supplements such as aspirin, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil supplements, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect and can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.

    Schedule your appointment at least 2 weeks prior to a special event which you may be attending, such as a wedding or a vacation, as bruising and swelling may be apparent in that time period.

    Discontinue Retin-A 2 days before and 2 days after treatment.

    Avoid Chemical Peels and Laser 1 –2 weeks prior to Dermal filler treatment.

    Avoid facials 2 weeks following injectable treatments.

    Reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance if you have a rash, cold sore or blemish on the area.

    Be sure to have a good breakfast, including food and drink before your procedure. This will decrease the chances of lightheadedness during your treatment.

    You are not a candidate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • For the first 24 hours, avoid any massage or pressure to the area, as this may disrupt the placement of the neurotoxin and/or filler. If you would like to re-apply makeup, please do so gently over the treated area. Do not wear a baseball cap or hat in you receive neurotoxin in the forehead.

    Immediately following your neurotoxin treatment do not lie down for 4 hours.

    Refrain from heavy exercise or exposure to sun/heat/tanning beds for 24 hours.

    Wanting to fly? Do not fret! You can fly following your Botox procedure. This should not cause migration of the Botox. However, due to the increased cabin pressure, it may cause worsening swelling/bruising. Use discretion when choosing to fly following your procedure. We also like to follow-up in 2 weeks after your procedure, so this is something to consider when planning travel, as well.

Broad Band Light (BBL) & Moxi FAQs

  • Broad band light therapy via Sciton’s MJoule platform, is a revolutionary IPL laser technology using heat energy with different filters that penetrate at different depths, to treat a range of skin concerns, including age spots, acne, rosacea, sun spots, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven texture.

    It can also treat spider veins and other small blood vessels, as well as broken capillaries and vascular lesion such as cherry angiomas.

    Furthermore, it can be used for hair reduction.

  • The next-generation BBL HERO (high energy rapid output) means the device handpiece is able to administer treatment with a rapid, continuous motion. This delivers four times the speed and three times the power for quicker, more effective, and comfortable treatments.

  • Moxi via Sciton’s MJoule platform, is a non-ablative, fractionated laser. A fractionated laser targets pigment by creating tiny perforations in the superficial top layer of skin. These microinjuries stimulate the bodies repair process, ultimately revitalizing tone, texture and reducing the appearance of brown and red spots caused by sun damage/aging.

    Another awesome benefit? Moxi is good for ALL skin types!

  • Both treatments are individually going to provide a wealth of benefits. However, together, these two treatments combined pack a synergetic punch to tackle whole body revitalization with little to no downtime and substantial results.

  • BBL Face, BBL Face and Neck, and BBL Face, Neck, and Chest are our most common treatment areas but the whole entire body can be treated with BBL and Moxi!

    If you are someone who suffers from pigment or skin laxity all over your body, the arms, legs, back, and abdomen can also be treated! That being said, it should be mentioned that BBL/Moxi can also treat scarring on the body, including C-section scars or any postoperative scarring.

  • This ultimately will depend on your treatment goals and the level of correction desired. Most patients receive 3 treatments, then often sign up for regular maintenance treatments yearly or bi-yearly.

  • Prices vary depending on treatment area(s) and number of treatments. Click here to be directed to our BBL/Moxi page for pricing.

  • Everyone can benefit from both, but your individualized treatment plan ultimately depends on your goals. We recommend booking a free consultation with us to determine what treatment options are best for you.

  • Being that this is not an area well studied, our policy does not allow treatment of pregnant women.

  • Both Moxi and BBL are well tolerated treatments.

    With Moxi, a numbing cream is applied prior to your treatment and a cooling mask is provided afterwards along with other post-care kit agents that will help soothe the skin. A warm sensation to the face is usually felt for about 2 hours post treatment, and then subsides.

    BBL is fast with minimal to no discomfort, thanks to its advanced technology.

  • The real question is what can’t we treat?!

    With BBL we can target pigmentation & sun damage, uneven skin tone and texture, signs of aging includ-ing skin laxity and wrinkles, small vessels, active acne, excess hair, cherry angiomas, rosacea, freckles, and excess hair, all over the body!

    Moxi is also great for pigmentation and sun damage, uneven skin tone and texture, and skin laxi-ty/wrinkles.

  • If you are someone who is predisposed to cold sores, we recommend pre-treatment with antiviral medi-cations as heat energy can induce the onset of a cold sore.

    If you are receiving a BBL, we recommend that you are not in the sun for at least 4-6 weeks prior to treatment. Because your skin’s melanin absorbs the light energy in a BBL treatment, the procedure is saf-est for light, untanned skin.

    We also recommend that there is no use of self-tanners at least 2 weeks prior to treatment.

    For at least 1 week before BBL, avoid waxing, chemical peels, and products containing retinol, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid.

  • If receiving BBL:

    • BBL treatments usually last around 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.

    • After a thorough evaluation and covering patient history/discussion of consent, you are lied in a comfortable position and safety goggles will be put in place to protect the eyes.

    • From there, the skin is cleansed and ultrasound gel is placed on the skin.

    • During the procedure, you can expect a bright pulse that creates a warm sensation on the skin. Your provider will complete as many pulses as necessary to cover the treatable area fully.

    If receiving Moxi:

    • Moxi treatments typically last 30 minutes as well, depending on the size of the treatment area.

    • Again, after a thorough evaluation and covering patient history/discussion of consent, you are lied in a comfortable position and safety goggles will be put in place to protect the eyes.

    • Topical numbing is then applied for 20 minutes and removed prior to the procedure.

    • Then your provider will roll the device’s tip across all parts of your face, as well as the neck, the chest, and any other areas you’d like to target. A prickly type of heat is what most clients will note.

    • Once the treatment is over, your provider will apply a cooling mask followed by other cooling agents or serums to alleviate the post. procedural heat.

  • After BBL, you can resume your daily skincare regimen and makeup application as normal given the procedures gentle nature. Make sure to use a light, unscented moisturizer on the skin, avoid any harsh or active ingredient skincare products, and also avoid scrubbing or rubbing the skin for a couple of days following the procedure. It is also pertinent to wear SPF daily to protect the skin from further damage.

    After Moxi:

    • CLEANSING: Cleanse the skin two times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser, beginning the morning after the treatment. Use your hands and gentle patting motions. DO NOT rub, scrub, use an exfoliant or skin care brush on the treated area.

    • MOISTURIZER: Moisturizer should be applied generously with clean hands over treated area and reapplied whenever your skin feels dry.

    • SUNSCREEN: Sunscreen is a MUST and should be used daily beginning the day after treatment and used consistently for up to 3 months post procedure. Use a physical sunscreen with Broadband UVA and UVB protection and a SPF of 30. Ensure to reapply during sun exposure.

  • After BBL:

    • There essentially is no downtime. Some swelling and redness may occur, although mild. Pigmented le-sions will appear darker and more prominent. If any of these latter noted things occur, it typically will only last for a few days.

    After Moxi:

    • Your skin will be red and feel tingly (like from a sunburn) afterward, but that will go away in a few hours.

    • Your skin may take on a rougher texture for the next five days or so as the top layer sloughs off, but you’ll be able to go about your daily activities and wear makeup if wanted.

  • This all depends on how you care for your skin after treatment! Using medical grade skincare as well as daily sunscreen use can aid with the longevity of your results.

    To maintain results, it’s helpful to have follow-up treatments once or twice a year after your initial round. You’ll still need to wear sunscreen and protective clothing to prevent future sun damage.